Noise, vibration & dust monitors are typically installed at the edge of the site boundary, nearest or
at sensitive receptors of those likely to be affected by the work. For example, sensitive receptors can include anything from local services such as; power, gas & water mains, underground services, public, residential or commercial buildings, and even road and rail.

When commissioning monitors on-site, special attention should be made to the local conditions and the best practical mean (BPM) should apply. Real-time monitors should be commissioned according to any standards set out by the local authority, client or third parties. Should there be an absence of this information, it is typical to refer to ‘code of practice for noise & vibration control on construction and open sites - BS5228’. For guidance on dust and air quality, it is typically common to refer to World Health Organisation limits, but further guidance is typically resourced from IAQM for construction and demolition sites.
These available resources give clear instructions to site managers and engineers on where and how best to install equipment on site. For example, the microphone from a noise monitor should be mounted in a free field (at least one metre away from any reflective façade or barrier) and mounted at a height of approximately 1.2 to 1.5 metres above ground level. When mounting the microphone to hoarding the microphone should be mounted above the hoarding or a correction applied.

The positioning of dust monitor samplers inlet should be located in a clear, unobstructed
position, and some metres away from any large structures (such as walls of buildings and welfare
cabins) that might interrupt airflow. Above the inlet, it should be open to the sky with no
overhanging trees or other structures. The air inlet should be ideally mounted between 1.5 to 4m above ground level.
Where monitoring concentrations of PM10, sensors may be located upwind and downwind of the site, but in complex urban areas, this may be difficult to determine, therefore additional monitoring points may be required. On low-risk sites, one monitor could suffice, but it is typical to have one dust and noise monitor on each boundary of the site for directivity of the pollution.
Vibration monitors can be fixed in various ways depending on the application, and selecting the
appropriate sensor is important. The measurement sensor must be fitted appropriately according to the required works, standards and guidelines and therefore more measurement points may be required. The sensor of the vibration monitor should be fit to a solid surface, such as a floor, wall or heavy metal floor plate and mounted inset distances horizontal or vertically dependent on the measurement interest. For further advice on commissioning a noise, vibration or dust monitor, please get in touch with one of your local technical sales engineers.