MCERTS is the certification scheme created by The Environment Agency for equipment, personnel and organisations. The aim of this scheme is to provide delivery vehicle for compliance with European Directives by regulating industrial emissions, monitoring data, equipment and personnel.
MCERTS certification indicates that the performance of the monitoring equipment has been tested under mixed environmental conditions and ensures that the accuracy, reliability and consistency meet the specifications set by the Environment Agency.
When using equipment for monitoring air quality/dust for regulatory purposes, it’s crucial to use equipment with MCERTS.
Dust particles can be spilt it various size categories for monitoring. Currently, the focus is PM10 and PM2.5 sized particles which refers to the size and diameter of the particle.

PM10 = 10 um in diameter
PM2.5 = 2.5 um in diameter.
PM = Particle Matter
What are the effects of breathing in dust (Particle Matter)?
PM10 particles can be inhaled into the lungs and cause adverse health effects.
PM2.5 has been linked to premature death, particularly in people who have chronic heart or lung diseases, and reduced lung function growth in children. They cause lung irritation and can worsen asthma and other related medical conditions. Long term exposure has more severe effects such as lung cancer and chronic bronchitis.
What does limits should I implement on my construction or demolition site?
According to IAQM guidance for construction and demolition sites and a recent report by King’s College that evaluated nine construction sites, a Site Action Level of 190 µg/m³ for PM10, measured as a 1-hour mean, is recommended.
Using MCerts-certified dust monitors focusing on PM10 particles, which are coarse particles measuring 10 µm in diameter and we are measuring dust deemed to cause significant health risks.
How can I measure PM10 & PM2.5?
Campbell Associates offer several solutions for MCERTS dust monitoring.
The DustSens DM30 monitor has MCERTS for both PM10 & PM2.5. It provides real-time data alerts and mean average readings into a cloud platform. SMS & Email alerts are setup when exceedances have been hit, alerting workers on site to take action.
The Dust Sentry is another real-time monitor which is available in versions, with a MCERTS certificate for PM10 only & PM10/PM2.5. The monitor can also be upgraded to measure gases like NO2 and VOCs. Please get in touch to discuss your project requirements.