Cantillon & CadnaA noise prediction software
Cantillon are a long established customer of Campbell Associates who have used CadnaA noise prediction software for many years. Cantillon regularly use the software to model demolition site noise levels in accordance with BS 5228-1 (Code of practice for noise and vibration control on construction and open sites. Noise), including Blossom Street, Ilona Rose House and 1 Broadgate.
Lawrence Tate an environmental monitoring engineer at Cantillon tells of his experience using the software. “By doing the CadnaA model at tender stage it gives us the confidence going into the project to know we won’t have any noise complaints during the project span. We can model at different stages of demolition so we are able to assess the predicted noise levels at all phases of a project. Once the default settings are set up, and with a little practice, CadnaA software is very easy to use and Open Street Maps makes it even easier than before. Campbell Associates training was very good and covered a wide range of topics to help manage noise throughout our projects.”
CadnaA software uses Google maps, open street maps and imported drawings to model a project area – plant and equipment is then added to the project, and noise levels are predicted for the surrounding area in accordance with BS5228-1. This detailed understanding of a project’s noise impact, gives Cantillon the control to predict accurate noise levels at any given time or location. Adding noise barriers to a model gives before and after results and means that effective mitigation against high noise levels can be accounted for during project planning, and appropriate barriers can be installed on site at the right time.
This powerful tool can assist with project planning permission, and Section 61 requirements; noise models can demonstrate to local authorities a predetermined action plan to reduce noise impact on a surrounding community.