Our calibration laboratory works on many makes and models of equipment, offering a swift turn around without compromising on accuracy. We can calibrate to UKAS standards and Traceable, offering something for everyone. Along with our convenient collection and return service you don't need to look any further for your calibration needs.
Options - UKAS or Traceable
Verification of sound level meters to BS EN 61672/3 or BS 7580 part 1 as appropriate. Includes a full calibration of the measurement microphone; this covers sensitivity at 250Hz, relative frequency response 100-20kHz and polarised self-capacitance. UKAS will be accredited verification with conformance statement.
- Additional Channels
- Frequency Filters
- Reverberation Time

Options - UKAS or Traceable
Verification of sound calibrators to BS EN IEC 60942 in half inch configuration; this provides the sound pressure level, level stability, frequency stability and distortion.
- Additional level or frequency (separate certificate supplied for each level & frequency)
- Multi-level & multi-frequency calibrators - B & K 4226, GenRod 1986

Options - UKAS or Traceable
Calibration of standardised measurement microphones; includes three independent measurements of open-circuit sensitivity, three independent measurements of polarised capacitance & a relative frequency response within the range 100Hz-20Hz. Includes the update of TED's data within the set.
- Microphone sets - Includes update of TED's data
- Low-frequency calibration 2-100Hz
- Low level calibration

Verification of dodecahedron loudspeaker directivity in accordance with ISO 16283-1, Annex A.
Requires matched power amplifier.
Campbell Associates calibration laboratory have developed a verification procedure to comply with these requirements; it mounts the dodecahedron speaker on a rotating spigot in an anechoic chamber which is then rotated through 360° passed a measurement microphone. Measurements are made for each 1°rotation and the gliding arc calculated and compared with the specifications. The example shows the effect of faulty speakers, i.e. no output, damaged speaker, such as scraping coils or damaged cone, and finally the return to normal operation after repair.

For single axis accelerometers providing measurement of sensitivity 80Hz or 160Hz as appropriate & a relative frequency response test at fixed frequencies over a total range of 10Hz to 5Hz (depending on accelerometer specification)
- Standard, Low or Wide Range frequency
- Standard, Low or Wide Range Tri-axial

Conformance check by comparison
We have a fully maintained reference station at our offices. This is measuring Particulates, NOx and Ozone.
Replacement of sensors
Replace your old particle engines/ counters with new or calibrated service exchange sensors.
Calibration with reference gases
Option for calibration of NO2 using reference gas canisters of certified concentrations.

HOW LONG DOES CALIBRATION TAKE?We work on an 5 -7 working day turn around period, however this can fluctuate during busy periods. Please ask for our current turn around when you contact us for calibration.
HOW DO I GET MY EQUIPMENT TO YOU?We offer a 48 hour collection and return carriage for the fixed price of £40.00 on all calibration work.
HOW MUCH DOES CALIBRATION COST?Prices vary depending on your choice of calibration and what it is you are having calibrated. For a full and accurate quote please contact our team who can provide you with a personalised quote.
ARE THERE CHOICES OF CALIBRATION?We are proud to be able to offer UKAS calibration of several types of equipment, alternatively we also offer a fantastic traceable calibration which is tested against national standards.
HOW DO I RESET MY PASSWORD FOR THE CALIBRATION PORTAL?Your company have total control of the password for the account. To reset the password simply click reset password on the portal. The password reset will be sent to the control contact for your company.
HOW DO I CHANGE THE CONTROL CONTACT FOR THE CALIBRATION PORTAL?To change your elected control contact for whatever reason you simply need to email suppport@campbell-associates.co.uk from your company email requesting a change.
CAN I REQUEST A PRINTED VERSION OF MY CERTIFICATES?We will no longer be printing any certificates for anyone. The portal is there for you to download your certificates and do with as you will.
HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE FOR MY CERTIFICATES TO APPEAR ON THE PORTAL?The calibration certificates will appear in your folder the day they are completed. You will be notified via email that they are available. It is likely you will see your certificates before you equipment has been returned.
WHY CAN I ONLY HAVE 1 CONTACT FOR THE CALIBRATION PORTAL?The system is designed to have one storage location per company and your company identification code (XXX999) has been used as your Username. Once you have logged in using the welcome email you will be to amend the following items. Contact Details Contact Email address Company Name and telephone number. Change the password Please note, an email will be sent to the registered email address when certificates are uploaded to your storage area. The storage area is designed as a central storage location for all your calibration certificates. Assigning one storage location per customer ensures all certificates are stored in the same location and accessible by all your staff. You download copies of the certificates to your PC for use in your day-to-day report generation process. There is no need to visit the site each time you need to use a calibration certificate.
MY COMPANY HAS BLOCKED WORDPRESS, HELP!The calibration certificate portal is a secure website designed using the “WordPress” platform. To ensure the website is secure, no links to “Social Media” sites or “Blogs” are enabled so the site is self-contained and only provides access to your certificates. The portal also links to our standard website FAQ and quotation request functions, to ensure you can access the sites please add the following domains to your approved sites “Whitelist”. https://campbell-associates-certs.co.uk/ https://campbell-associates.co.uk/ If your access is via your company’s server, please as you administrator to add the sites to the server approved domains. Emails from the system will be sent from “WordPress” please ensure your mail server has “WordPress” set as an approved sender.
WHAT EQUIPMENT DO WE CALIBRATE?We calibrate a vast range of equipment, if you are unsure if we would calibrate yours please contact us to find out. If we can't help we will always try our best to suggest someone that can.
DO WE REPAIR EQUIPMENT?We do offer a repairs service, if your equipment needs repairs please give our technical sales team a call today to discuss.
I'VE LOST MY CERTIFICATE; CAN YOU SEND ME A COPY?All certificates are now available on the calibration certificates portal for you to download and print or store however you like.
HOW OFTEN SHOULD I GET MY EQUIPMENT CALIBRATED?Under the normal noise measurement standards, the maximum calibration interval for test equipment is: Sound Level Meters – every 24 months Sound Calibrators – every 12 months These periods are the recommended maximum intervals but it is the user’s responsibility to decide the calibration interval for each piece of equipment. Most customer’s stay with these recommended periods.
UKAS AccreditationAccredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2005
HOW DO I ACCESS THE CERTIFICATES FOR EQUIPMENT I HAVE HIRED FROM YOU?These will be available upon request as it is now by emailing us at hotline@campbell-associates.co.uk